
Showing posts from August, 2022

Recent Discovery Makes Loch Ness Monster More "Plausible"

Arpingstone, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons  According to an article in the  telegraph  "the Loch Ness Monster is “plausible”, after finding that some plesiosaurs may have lived in freshwater." Nessie, a.k.a. the Loch Ness Monster is usually described as having a very long neck that sticks out of the water and is connected to a body similar to that of a sea turtle sans the shell. It has long been held that the monster is probably a prehistoric aquatic reptile such as a plesiosaur or elasmosaurus.  Though most are skeptical of something surviving millions of years undetected, a new fossil discovery has shown that some plesiosaurs lived in freshwater. A University of Bath team found the fossils of many plesiosaurs from one-hundred million years ago in what is now the Sahara Desert in Africa. Evidence suggests that they lived in freshwater alongside turtles, fish, and even crocodiles. Though the findings make Nessie more plausible the chances of her actually exist...
 New cover art for the  Legends & Lore series . Purchase on amazon Purchase on amazon

My Encounters with Shadow People

 On two occasions I have come into contact with shadow beings or shadow people. Black shadows that have vaguely human form and red bulging eyes.  For unknown reasons, around 2013 I began to have a lot of lucid dreams and out of body experiences. At night as I fell asleep I would have strong hypnogogic imagery. I would see my bedroom and could see and hear the door opening and closing constantly along with other such phenomenon.  The first encounter occurred during an evening nap. As I was waking up I could see my bedroom around me like an obe. A shadow person can up to me extraordinarily fast, almost like a cartoon character. It bent over the bed and stared into my face with its large bright red bulging eyes.  It was quite frightening, I could tell it wasn't an ordinary dream, it was more like an astral projection/obe type experience. Not long after that, I had another encounter with two shadows while sleeping at night. I became awake and lucid in my bed, basically a...

Send me your paranormal encounters!

 I'm working on multiple new books and if you have had a paranormal encounter of any sort, whether it is ghosts, cryptids, dogman, shadow people, aliens, demons, or something else, I would love to hear about it and hopefully put it in a new book. I won't give any personal details away that you don't want given away, I can change the name, gender, or anything else and don't have to give a super specific location. To send me your paranormal encounter, email me at I look forward to hearing from you!